Created in 2020 at the initiative of the Brussels Minister for the Promotion of Multilingualism, Sven Gatz, the Brussels Council for Multilingualism has summarised what it has learned since its creation and formulated a set of recommendations in a memorandum addressed to the Brussels candidates in the elections of 9 June 2024.
Today, Saturday 23 September 2023, the fourth Multilingualism Day took place in the Brussels Parliament. The theme was 'Culture in multilingual Brussels'. This edition also saw the launch of 'Public Poet Brussels', the competition to designate a public poet for Brussels.
On Saturday 23 September 2023, the Brussels Parliament will host the fourth Multilingualism Day. This year the theme is 'Culture in a multilingual Brussels'.
BeTalky @bout arts & culture!
Prompted by Minister Sven Gatz, responsible for the Promotion of Multilingualism, the Brussels government has approved 12 projects under the 2023 CULTURE project call. The project call was a success: no fewer than 134 projects were submitted, of which 126 were declared admissible: 12 of them are eligible for a grant, the Brussels government decided.
On the initiative of Minister Sven Gatz, responsible for the Promotion of Multilingualism in the Brussels Region, the Brussels government is launching the project call ' 2023-2024'. The call is aimed at the Brussels cultural sector, be it organisations or individual artists.
On Saturday, the third Multilingualism Day took place in the Brussels parliament. Under the motto 'BeTalky@Work', the central topic of discussion was multilingualism in the business world. The winning projects of the project call on multilingualism in companies were also announced.
BeTalky@work !
In "The Future is Multilingual", Sven Gatz describes how bilingual, French-dominated Brussels became the beating heart of Europe, saw the rise of the English language and grew into the metropolis it is today. In-depth interviews with multilingual Brussels residents and academics paint the picture of a unique metropolis. Like many European cities are for their country, Brussels is a reflection of the Belgium of tomorrow. And our language skills will play a major role in it. That is why Minister Gatz developed ten concrete proposals to anchor multilingualism in Brussels.
On Saturday 12 February, Brussels Minister Sven Gatz is organising a study day on multilingualism. After the creation of a Council for Multilingualism and the Day of Multilingualism, which has already taken place for two consecutive years, this is a new initiative by Minister Gatz to promote multilingualism.
Brussels minister voor Financiën, Begroting, Ambtenarenzaken en Meertaligheid Vlaams minister van Brusselse Aangelegenheden Avenue des Arts, 9 1210 Brussels
02 209 28 11