Press invitation: 4th Multilingualism Day in theme of Culture
On Saturday 23 September 2023, the Brussels Parliament will host the fourth Multilingualism Day. This year the theme is 'Culture in a multilingual Brussels'.

Brussels has a strong and extensive cultural offer, supported by a solid network. The cultural sector plays a crucial role in promoting multilingualism. Cultural exchanges, for example, make Brussels liveable as a multicultural and multilingual city.
The programme includes two fascinating panel discussions.
Debate on 'Brussels 2030'
The first talk will debate 'Brussels 2030'. The big challenge in the coming months is the preparation of Brussels' candidacy as European Capital of Culture. Nancy Braun (general director of Luxembourg's Esch2022), Fatima Zibouh (co-director of 'Brussels 2030', together with Jan Goossens), and minister in charge of promoting multilingualism in Brussels, Sven Gatz, will discuss this topic.
The second panel, organized in collaboration with BKO-RAB (Brussels Kunstenoverleg-Réseau des Arts à Bruxelles), takes an inside look at the world of artists and performers in a multilingual Brussels. With artist Meggy Rustamova, performance artist Ahilan Ratnamohan, writer Sulaiman Addonia and female rapper Blu Samu.
Launching City Poetry
The fourth edition of the Multilingualism Day will also see the launching of the City Poet project, 'Public Poet Brussels'. The winning project will be announced at the end of 2023 so that the City Poet or Poetess can start in 2024.
Recently, the Brussels government awarded grants to 12 projects under the project call ' 2023 Culture'. All 12 projects will be introduced via video clips created by the project proponents.
Theatre company Ras El Hanout sings for the artistic interlude of the day with an excerpt from Molenbeek theatre maker Salim Haouach's new play, 'Qui cherche, die vindt'.
The closing word is for Minister Sven Gatz and President of the Council for Multilingualism Professor Philippe Van Parijs.
Host of the day this year is presenter, author, and actress Eva Kamanda.
De Dag van de Meertaligheid zal onder meer gepromoot worden door twee interessante podcasts. Tijdens de eerste podcast praat Eva Kamanda met KVS-artistiek directeur Michael De Cock en minister Sven Gatz. In de tweede podcast gaat de minister in gesprek met theatermaker Salim Haouach.
De eerste Dag van de Meertaligheid, de ‘corona-editie’, vond in 2020 plaats met de oprichting van de Raad voor Meertaligheid, de lancering van het platform voor meertaligheid BeTalky, en de nodige animatie met de conversatietafels. In 2021 stond de meertaligheid in het Brussels onderwijs in de kijker en vorig jaar besteedde de Dag aandacht aan de meertaligheid in de Brusselse bedrijven.
Crucial role
Minister Sven Gatz stresses the importance of the cultural sector for multilingualism in Brussels: "The cultural sector plays a crucial role as an engine of creativity, innovation and community-building in Brussels. It undeniably contributes to the city's international appeal and economic development. Culture is ideal for communicating across language borders, stimulating encounters and promoting social cohesion. The fact that the cultural sector in Brussels is committed to promoting multilingualism is a special asset."
Practical info:
The fourth Multilingualism Day will take place on Saturday 23 September 2023, starting at 10 am at the Brussels Parliament.
The press is very welcome and can register for practical reasons with Peter Dejaegher, spokesperson a.i. for Minister Gatz, (0478/90 89 57).
Peter Dejaegher