Minister Sven Gatz launches project call ' 2023-2024' to promote multilingualism in the Brussels cultural sector
On the initiative of Minister Sven Gatz, responsible for the Promotion of Multilingualism in the Brussels Region, the Brussels government is launching the project call ' 2023-2024'. The call is aimed at the Brussels cultural sector, be it organisations or individual artists.
This is the third project call as part of the promotion of multilingualism in Brussels. The previous calls were aimed at organisations and associations active in the field of multilingualism in general, and the business world. The budget will provide 200,000 euros.
Culture promotes cohesion
The project call is in implementation of Minister Gatz's policy note 'Promotion of Multilingualism', which received broad support in the Brussels Parliament in December 2019.
Brussels has an extensive cultural offer supported by a solid network. The cultural sector plays a crucial role as an engine of creativity, innovation and community-building. It also undeniably contributes to Brussels' international appeal and economic development.
Different communities speaking different languages must live together in solidarity. These communities should therefore not close themselves off from each other, but rather exchange each other's past and future perspectives, respect each other's languages and learn to use them to understand each other better. Culture can play an important role here, promoting cohesion and thus enhancing social cohesion. In this respect, culture, like the economy, work, care or education, is an essential tool. Cultural exchanges thus make Brussels liveable as a multicultural and multilingual city.
The policy paper "The Promotion of Multilingualism" therefore aspires to a policy of multilingualism that aims for a positive and reinforcing impact on the social cohesion of the Brussels community. The cultural sector can play an important role in this.
Who is eligible?
The project call is aimed at organisations which respond to concrete needs in this context through a cultural project, and can effectively realise social added value within their domain. The project submitted must be aimed at promoting and strengthening multilingualism in culture. This call for projects covers all possible artistic and cultural forms and expressions (theatre, concert, expo, etc.). This can be done, for example, by organising events, improving access to cultural activities for non-native speakers.
The call is aimed at associations or institutions with legal personality without a profit-making objective, and individual artists within the arts and culture sector.
To be considered for funding, the project proposal must meet a number of eligibility and selection criteria as set out in the regulations.
Projects must be submitted by 15 May. On the proposal of the selection committee composed in consultation with the Brussels Council for Multilingualism, the Brussels government decides which projects will be approved by 8 June 2023 at the latest. The projects will start on 11 September 2023 at the earliest.
Minister Sven Gatz: "Culture is ideal for communicating across language barriers, stimulating encounters and promoting social cohesion. Culture prevents people from being excluded from society based on their cultural identity, socio-economic status, age and other factors. We encourage cultural actors to organise activities in other locations: in the infrastructure of a foreign-speaking partner. In ideal circumstances, not only infrastructure is exchanged, but also 'audiences'."
Day of Multilingualism dedicated to culture
The chosen projects will also play an important role in the organisation of the fourth Day of Multilingualism on Saturday 23 September 2023 in the Brussels Parliament. This day will be entirely dedicated to multilingualism in the Brussels cultural sector.
Practical info
More info for a project proposal and how to submit it can be found at

Projectoproep - Reglement NL.pdf
PDF 197 KB
Projectoproep cultuur aanvraagformulier N_.docx
Appel à projets - Reglement FR.pdf
PDF 162 KB
Appel à projets - Reglement FR.pdf
PDF 162 KB
Eva Vanhengel
Djellal Amil