Invitation for the press: Study day on multilingualism

On Saturday 12 February, Brussels Minister Sven Gatz is organising a study day on multilingualism. After the creation of a Council for Multilingualism and the Day of Multilingualism, which has already taken place for two consecutive years, this is a new initiative by Minister Gatz to promote multilingualism.

More than one hundred different languages are spoken in Brussels. This makes our capital one of the most diverse cities in the world. But linguistic diversity and multilingualism are not synonymous. Prosperity, social cohesion and a shared citizenship can only exist where people really understand one another. This is why Sven Gatz was the first minister in Europe to promote multilingualism as a policy.

Various academics, experts by experience and politicians will take part in the seminar. Questions will be answered such as: What are the advantages of bilingual education? What language challenges does the business world face? How can we measure the progress of multilingualism? But also, how can multilingualism be better embedded in the next state reform?

Practical information:

The workshop will take place at Residence Palace, Wetstraat 155, 1040 Brussels.

The easiest way to reach this location is by public transport, either metro stop Schuman (line 1 or 5, exit Residence Palace/Wetstraat), bus stop Schuman (line 12, 21, 22, 36, 60, 79) or train station Schuman. Should you prefer to come by car, use the paying car parks Parking Wet (Wetstraat 85) and Parking Thon (Trierstraat 120).

The seminar will evidently only take place if the prevailing coronal measures allow it. CST and mouth mask are required for all participants.

Journalists who wish to attend the seminar live should reserve their seats as soon as possible through Eva Vanhengel (, spokesperson for Minister Gatz.

Places for this study day are limited.

Eva Vanhengel

Woordvoerder / porte-parole, Kabinet van Minister Sven Gatz




About Sven Gatz


Brussels minister voor Financiën, Begroting, Ambtenarenzaken en Meertaligheid Vlaams minister van Brusselse Aangelegenheden Avenue des Arts, 9 1210 Brussels

02 209 28 11