Standard & Poor’s greets the Brussels Capital region’s prudent and highly efficient financial management

The rating agency Standard and Poor’s confirms once again the "AA" Rating for the Brussels Capital Region as well as the “stable” outlook.

Brussels Minister of Finance and Budget Sven Gatz: “Since 1995, the Brussels Region has been successfully maintaining this excellent rating. This is very much thanks to the excellent work of my predecessor Guy Vanhengel. As a budget minister in this new investment government, I will do my utmost to maintain this rating in the future. After all, it determines the conditions on which the Region can borrow on the capital market. With this rating, the Brussels region remains a reliable government and a place in which it is good to invest. "

According to S&P, the region has a very proactive and competent financial management team that has a very strong capacity to meet the financial obligations and keep the debt of the Region under control.

The stable outlook is based on the expectation that the Region will maintain a moderate level of debt and a balanced budget, while keeping the growth-enhancing strategic investments out of the budget target capped at € 500 million.

The Brussels government intends to maintain this rating by, among other things, focusing more strongly on policy prioritization and implementing a spending review.


About Sven Gatz


Brussels minister voor Financiën, Begroting, Ambtenarenzaken en Meertaligheid Vlaams minister van Brusselse Aangelegenheden Avenue des Arts, 9 1210 Brussels

02 209 28 11