Minister GATZ invited to Washington DC to promote SmartMove

The Brussels Minister for Budget and Finance, Sven Gatz, has been invited to participate in a "Roads2Tomorrow" (R2T) conference from 31 October to 3 November in Washington DC, organised by the IRF (International Road Federation) to present the SmartMove, the intelligent mileage tax based on the use of a vehicle rather than on its ownership This conference brings together a number of experts, senior officials and personalities from the private and public sectors to share their respective projects and experiences in the field of mobility, transport and technology.

Although the use of SmartMove has not yet been given the green light by the Brussels Government, the project already enjoys an excellent reputation and attracts attention from abroad. Indeed, the International Road Federation, a global non-profit organisation, headquartered in Washington DC since 1948 and with by regional offices around the world, is keen for SmartMove to feature prominently in the conference it will organise in Washington DC.

Minister Sven Gatz has agreed to be speaker at the opening session and the session focusing on road user charging.

Sven Gatz, Brussels Minister for Budget and Finance:"I am convinced that our fiscal project to relieve traffic congestion, improve air quality and support the local economy is the future solution for a smoother mobility in Brussels. We want to pave the way towards a modern and fair transport system and the climate challenges mean that this reflection is taking place outside our city and outside our country as well. I am delighted to see that Brussels is now being highlighted for the innovative and forward-looking nature of its approach, which consists of providing a new concrete and realistic solution to significantly improve the quality of life in public space.”

This working mission will be another opportunity for Brussels to shine internationally, to build new partnerships, to broaden the reflection on strategies for more efficient and sustainable mobility and to highlight the SmartMove system and the political and economic investments that are needed to make it happen.

During the conference, Minister Sven Gatz also plans to talk about the creation of the SmartMove application which responds to a request from the European Commission to propose an innovative system for better urban mobility in the Brussels-Capital Region. This app is currently going through a test phase that will allow it to be optimised and to familiarise and accustom all users to a new eco-responsible modus operandi based on the MAAS (Mobility As A Service) principle.


Eva Vanhengel

Woordvoerder / porte-parole, Kabinet van Minister Sven Gatz








About Sven Gatz


Brussels minister voor Financiën, Begroting, Ambtenarenzaken en Meertaligheid Vlaams minister van Brusselse Aangelegenheden Avenue des Arts, 9 1210 Brussels

02 209 28 11